Day 1: ‘Your Relationship Vision’ with Sonja Semyonova & Phoenix Amara
Your relationship vision is like making a roadmap for how you want to love.
Knowing what you want out of a relationship sets you up for deeper success. Rather than falling into old patterns, join us to set powerful intentions that will guide you, whether you’re partnered or single.
Learn a brief overview of relating styles, discover your lover’s timeline, and participate in a ritual for devotional union, whether you’re partnered, single, or somewhere in between.
PHOENIX AMARA supports people in embodying their power through archetypal embodiment and sacred sexual healing. As an artist, writer, and teacher on intimacy, archetypes and sacred sexuality and co-founder of the Holy Eros Institute, she’s supported thousands over the past decade through courses, retreats, and trainings to access a thriving & turned on life. You can find her interviewing experts on the HOLY EROS Podcast: exploring the intersection of Soul, Sex & Art. Her best-selling memoir, “Ascension of Gaia: The Resurrection of the Sacred Sexual Feminine”, documents her own healing path of connecting to her sexuality and earth-based wisdom. You can find her on Instagram or discover coaching she offers through her website: www.phoenixamara.com
SONJA SEMYONOVA is a writer, healer, and erotic being whose life and work centers around honoring the body as the temple of the divine. With her diverse studies in intuitive healing, witchcraft, somatic sex education, yoga, and ancient mythology, she invites her readers and clients to befriend the raw parts of themselves as they turn the stories of their greatest pain into their personal legends. Her first book, Letters to My Lost Lovers, was released in 2024 as a guide to creating real intimacy in an increasingly closed-off world. Explore her writing and services at yourbodystory.com or @bodystoryteller on Instagram or TikTok.
Day 1: Systemic Family Constellations
Discover how you can work with stuck or seemingly intractable dynamics and patterns through systemic family constellations work. We’ll dive into the orders of love that keep our systems healthy and what happens when something happens that blocks that flow of love.
We’ll look specifically at how sexuality in systems often includes dynamics of secrecy, victim/perpetrator, power/powerlessness and how systemic work can heal these patterns, open up the flow of love and eros, and how our ancestors long to support us in this healing work.
Cali is a catalyst for healing. She has been working with individuals, leaders and communities for over 20 years. She is a somatic coach and facilitator, an organizational and family systems constellator, an intimacy, sacred sexuality and poly relationship coach. She has worked in over 15 countries, created and/or run 5 businesses, is a mother of 2 and a lover of many.
Find here here @ www.sacredadventures.life, or here https://sacrederos.com/listing/cali-yana-sacred-sexuality-adventure-guides/