1-1 Coaching Support
Mentorships in intimacy, sex, and romance with Co-Founders of Holy Eros Institute Sonja Semyonova & Phoenix Amara

How to believe in love again
It is our birthright to give and receive love.
Freely and wildly.
From the moment we are born, we search for love in the arms of our caregivers. As we grow, we lace fingers with friends and, later, lovers.
We learn how terrifyingly magnificent it feels to offer our most vulnerable and valuable parts to those who make us want to sing.
These mini-Oracle of Love readings are a way to gain insight into patterns in your relationships, untangle yourself from destructive beliefs, and integrate the inevitable loss that comes with love.
“Sonja, you opened the space and the gates of my grief, you gave me tools to grieve, to rebuild, to love, to hope. Your amazing wisdom and loving heart have made this experience one of love and transformation, despite the pain.” - Neri
Who are these 1-1 Coaching Containers for?
As the Co-Founders of the Holy Eros Institute, our mission is to support love in thriving - within yourself, with others, your heart and your pleasure. Our extensive experience includes trainings in energy healing, somatic embodiment, NVC, Breathwork,Yoga, De-armouring, Neo-Tantra, Energy Healing, Authentic Relating and more.
Our 1-1 Containers are for those:
• Who are facing the fears of aloneness: Fear of dying alone. Fear of living together. Fear of lying. Fear of speaking the truth.
• Facing choice-points in relating: Should I divorce? Should I trust? Will I ever find love again?
• Facing loss in love: Death. Divorce. Breakups. Unrequited love. Infidelity. Loss of identity.
• Facing physical issues with love + sex: Unexplained libido loss. Shifting sexual desires. Past life patterns.
• Experiencing blockages in relationships: When the patterns become unsustainable. Attachment wounds. Blame games. Dependency. Victimhood. Desperation.
We’ve been guiding others in the power of self-love, sacred sexuality, sensual embodiment and rituals of passage for over a decade with thousands of people around the world ~ and now, we’re here to support you.

What can you expect from this free mini-consult?
In our 1-1 or group coaching containers, you’re an active participant, sharing your stories and engaging in exercises to reshape your narrative over a period of time.
In this consult session, be prepared to open up about what you’re desires are AND what you’re struggling with around love, sex & relationships…and then sit back and receive a transmission.
It’s helpful if you come with a question (or a list!), much in the same way you might consult a tarot deck. Your inquiry will guide the session, but be prepared for surprises.
Meet the Founders
Phoenix Amara is an internationally recognized Prayerformance Ceremonialist, Writer, and Divine Feminine guide. Having mentored in esoteric studies and metaphysics since childhood, she pursued degrees in Visual Arts and Environmental Design, explored plant medicines, personal development modalities, and finally the erotic arts. For over a decade, she’s facilitated hundreds of ceremonies & journeys for clients, as well as mentoring thousands through her online and in-person trainings, retreats and events.
You can find her interviewing experts on the HOLY EROS PODCAST: exploring the intersection of Soul, Sex & Art. Her best-selling memoir, “Ascension of Gaia: The Resurrection of the Sacred Sexual Feminine”, documents her own healing path of connecting to her sexuality and earth-based wisdom. With training in somatic therapy, neo-tantra, sacred sexuality and performance art, you can discover the wild and wonderful experiences and coaching she offers through her website: www.phoenixamara.com
As the former founder of Awakened Woman Convergence (2016, 2017) she’s organized international retreats and conferences in destinations such as Bali & Arizona, performed and spoken on dozens on stages across North America such as DreamTalks, SoulPlay, Lucidity Festival, and Electric Love Festival and led retreats in sacred sites like the Pyramids in Egypt and Chichen Itza Pyramids. Additional qualifications include Somatic Embodiment Training Level 1, Authentic Relating Level 1, Non-Violent Communication Training, Personal Power with Lori-Ann Demers, Red Lotus Tantra Certification with Olivia Jade, Usui Reiki Levels 1, 2 & 3, Diploma of Visual Arts, Bachelors of Environmental Design, and feminine leaderships trainings with Nisha Moodley, Emily Utter, Love Leadership with Kamala Devi, Margie Pargie and others. Connect with her on IG.
Sonja Semyonova is a writer, healer, and erotic being whose life and work centers around honoring the body as the temple of the divine. With her diverse studies in intuitive healing, witchcraft, somatic sex education, yoga, and ancient mythology, she invites her readers and clients to befriend the raw parts of themselves as they turn the stories of their greatest pain into their personal legends. Her first book, Letters to My Lost Lovers, was released in 2024. This collection of personal love letters and relationship wisdom is a guide to creating real intimacy in an increasingly closed-off world.
Sonja has studied the healing arts for more than 25 years and supported hundreds of clients worldwide to find the wisdom within their bodies. Her most significant teachers include her teachers of intuitive development (Tamara Wells, Vessa Rhinehart, Bob Whilhite, Lee Gilbert), her teachers of yoga and Ayurveda (Myra Lewin, Kaya Midlin, Robert Moses, Robert Svoboda, Maya Tiwari, the doctors at the Vaidyagrama Healing Village), herbal medicine (Shelley Torgove, Donna Chesner, Daniel Pool Pech, Susun Weed), and her teachers of sexuality and eroticism (Regena Thomashauer, aka Mama Gena, Kasia Urbaniak, Mehdi Darvish Yahya, the incredible faculty of the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education).
Her greatest gratitude goes to her spiritual teacher, Santi Devi, who has offered her nearly a decade of private mentoring and spiritual counseling to maintain her compass despite all of life’s upendings.
Find her writing on Substack and @bodystoryteller on Instagram and TikTok.
“When I first came to this wonderful journey, I was tense with grief from the loss of a relationship. This resulted in experiences that I blindly stumbled into leaving me with guilt and shame about who I was in this world. It was something that has weighed heavy on me over the years and has proven destructive in relationships.
It was this knowing that a deepening in the relationship with myself and the necessity for some deep healing to occur that drove to me to work with Amara. Really, I did not know what to expect. On a superficial level there was the desire for gratification. There was also a deep yearning for a safe space. A safe space for me to cry, to come back to myself. A real need for a container within which I could crack open and let be whatever it was that needed to come out. I see that in my previous relationships, I had pushed myself into sexual experiences thinking that that was the way to find this container, to forcibly try to crack myself open.
It was good for me to see that I was open to throwing myself into this experience. For this, I will be eternally grateful for Phoenix and this program because she gave me the parameters I needed in order to throw myself into this experience in a safe way enabling the self-exploration and healing that my heart truly desired.”
– S.H, Fall 2019 Mentorship Graduate
A personal experience:
“When I first started the mentorship I was not very trusting. I feel like I always held back when sharing ie not telling the whole story and not really being honest with myself. I felt I was very timid about my sexuality, very unsure of myself, and not really knowing who I was.
I believed I was coming to learn how to be a more sexual person, more confident, more in control, and to be an overall better lover.
I learnt that I am enough and that sex is much more than an orgasm, and that there is way more connection in sex – way more pleasure in taking your time and that slow and soft is more. I feel like I’m a work in progress and I’m always moving forward. I didn’t realize how closed off I was and how much more open I am now. I was very defensive and not open to listening.
I didn’t handle the blocks very well, and I really just shut down and got defensive, once I was able to listen it all started to make sense – everything just started to flow, now I find I’m much more open to my instructors direction.
We had many amazing journeys, they were very powerful. I remember one with my feminine and my masculine my four year old parents in the garden, Amazing. At the last session I could not believe how much pleasure I could feel.
I feel I’m so much more open I’m calmer I feel so much connected to myself it’s like I understand myself more than I ever had before. I’m much more confident in myself, I feel I communicate with others better, sexually I feel like I’m a little smoother more comfortable and I know more about sex.
I feel now like I’m dancing in my own sexuality. I feel sexy not ugly, I feel lust and not shame, and I feel like I want more more more.
When I joined the mentorship I thought I was in tune with myself I thought I was grounded I thought I knew about sex. I thought I knew pleasure – BOY was I wrong. There was highs and lows – lots of stories it’s like I went to the bottom and you brought me back up you made me look at myself and it wasn’t easy for either of us but what a reward and it’s working every single day, I loved this mentorship.
When I started I felt shame and now I feel proud I’m stronger happier and I really feel free I’m dancing inside all the time.
Thanks so much Amara you are a amazing person and I feel so grateful our paths crossed.”
– H.M, Summer 2019
“You have really sparked the fire of interest and helped guide the direction for me. You seem to embody your truth and that is currently my goal.”
– E, 2019
“Sonja’s gifts never cease to amaze me. Her intuition and insight is spot on. Sonja has helped me find peace, clarity, and healing during the most difficult times of my life.” - AF
“Grateful for the young powerful woman who has taught me more then I would have believed possible. Any man can learn valuable life lessons from a woman when his ego is hushed, and he uses two ears and his heart to listen. So proud of you and your ability to engage in this work – the world thanks you and many others like you. With so much love surging through me, its hard to express with words what you mean to me everything I said to you from the beginning was real not exaggerated not fake but as real as I can be, thank you Phoenix Amara for facilitating me on my journey. I am proud to tell you that I love you.” – N.V, Summer 2019
“I want to start this letter with my first experience in person in your great space that you have created, I was pleasantly surprised and felt good energy in the room we occupied I was impressed first by your guide that you put together I can appreciate the effort that went into putting this together you defiantly showed professionalism and that impressed me. I am very serious about where I’m going and who I am becoming. And I embrace people like you Phoenix Amara who are offering amazing life lessons and experiences to those who are worthy.” – Z, 2019
“Before meeting with Phoenix I had previously dipped my toes into tantra, somatic and bodywork with a newly certified practitioner, and my experience was enlightening and life-changing.
We are conditioned to fight most of what we don’t intentionally want in our lives, and this creates a non-surrender environment preventing us from growing as we accept and surrender to our process enlightening us further then before.
My hero’s journey looks like this, when I began the temple journey I was confident but also nervous about the unfolding and whether or not we would bond to create the most amazing journey. I needed to embrace my understanding even though I wasn’t sure what that looked like. I faced myself in a most unimaginable way feeling conflict with your idea and the process of what was to come. It was through this work that I was able to finally see myself with clear lenses to see myself with no excuses, and to accept that I am the creator of me, the extension of myself toward others that to place no blame for unwanted life events has been my biggest accomplishment and transformation to date.
Grateful for the young powerful woman who has taught me more then I would have believed possible. Any man can learn valuable life lessons from a woman when his ego is hushed, and he uses two ears and his heart to listen.
So proud of you and your ability to engage in this work – the world thanks you and many others like you. With so much love surging through me, its hard to express with words what you mean to me everything I said to you from the beginning was real not exaggerated not fake but as real as I can be, thank you Amara for facilitating me on my journey. I am proud to tell you that I love you.”
– N.V, Summer 2019